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Selected Fiction


Peatsmoke: "The Apartments at Brightstone" 

Hobart: "Your Ghosting Year" 

Novel Noctule: "Bad Signs"

Gone Lawn: "In the Second Before You Die"

Fiction Southeast: "The Hole"

The Normal School: "The Funeral"



Selected Nonfiction



"Little Protests Everywhere"

"Memento Is the Movie of the Attention Economy"



Cleveland Magazine: "Off the Track"




"Celebrate Mothman"

"Ohio 2020 Voter Guide"

"Legalize Booze: Prohibition's Legacy, Endangered Drinks, and Ohio's New Whiskey War"

"Cleaving the Crooked Mirror: What's Really Behind the East & West Side Rivalry"




"Stick Wars"

"Boy Detective"

"Squirrel Girl"


Seeds of Literacy: 

"Literacy Is an Everyday Miracle" (blog post)

"Reasons to Come to Class" (essay)

"Pajama Party" (WKYC story)






Ohio Arts Council: Individual Excellence Award for Fiction


Glimmer Train: Very Short Fiction Contest, Honorable Mention


Jacobson Short Story Award















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